Wednesday 29 September 2010

Paul Harries

Paul Harries Interview

1. How long have you been a professional photographer?
17 years

2. Where can people see your work?
Kerrang magazine and

3. Who are your favourite photographers?
Bob Carlos Clarke RIP

4. What made you decide to pursue photography as a career?
It beats working in an office, I know I did it for long enough.

5. Did you study photography at college/uni or are you self-taught?
Self taught

6. Why did you decide to specialize in music photography?
I love music and I cant sing or play anything.

7. What was the turning point that helped you get recognized for your work?
Kerrang needed a photographer fast and a friend recomended me.

8. What perks do you enjoy from your work?
Seeing my shots in print every week and the odd free CD.

9. How many live gigs would you shoot in an average week?
1 or 2

10. What are your favourite lenses for concert work?
28 to 135 zoom and 10 to 22 zoom

11. Whats your top tip for concert photographers?
Be nice to security and they will be nice to you.

12. Are there any artists do you particularly enjoy photographing? If so, why?
Anyone with a good image that enjoys being photographed.

13. Ever had any disasters during a shoot?
My lights failed during a Marilyn Manson shoot.

14. Where do you do the majority of portrait sessions?
Studios, backstage and hotels.

15. In what way does your kit differ from live work to portraits?
When I shot film I would use medium format for portraits but now i use my digital slr for everything.

16. What kind of photography do you enjoy when youre not working?
My 4 year old son is a great subject.

17. Do you work with agencies or just magazines?
Mostly Kerrang magazine but I have an agent who puts out photos to magazines abroad.

18. What photograph are you most proud of and why?
The photo of Ville Valo with the mask, he got so into it. Also my shoots with Slipknot.....masks again.

19. Film or digital? I was resistant but digital

20. Are you considering having your own website?

21. Ever been commissioned for anything particularly unusual?
Bernard Manning in his underpants...beat that!

22. Whats the highlight of your career so far?
Getting a good reputation.

23. What would you still like to achieve with your photography?
To keep going and get better

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